Study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, as reported by the Huffington Post, found that apples, pears, and blueberries, are fruits that have a lower risk of type 2 diabetes.
The study looked at the diet of more than 200,000 people. Originally created to determine whether a subclass of flavonoids have an effect on diabetes cases. later, subjects were asked to fill out questionnaires about their eating habits.
As a result, those who eat blueberries, apples and pears are not at risk of diabetes in more than 12,600 cases. A nutrition expert, Leslie Beck said "Those who consume blueberries have a 23 percent lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes than those who do not eat blueberries.
People who ate five or more apples a week also had a 23 percent lower risk than those who did not eat apples. These results were found after accounting for other risk factors, such as weight, smoking and a family history of diabetes.
Lose Weight
Apples can control your hunger with fewer calories contained in it, then the apple can be a diet that helps you lose weight . In a recent study, dried apples can also help you lose weight. In fact, women who ate a cup of dried apples every day for a year to lose weight and lower cholesterol and heart disease their symptoms.
Researchers from Florida State University think, antioxidants and pectin (a type of fiber ) contained in apples, is a substance which is the cause. They also advocate for eating fresh apples in order to obtain more nutrients.
Daily Source of Nutrition
Abortion slightly soluble fiber which has about 4 grams for a medium sized apple, containing only the number of calories (95), making it suitable for a healthy sweet snack Apples are also a good source for immune boosting vitamin C content ranges due to 14 percent of the daily value.
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